Our school has produced a curriculum map to inform parents and teachers which sports and activities will be covered throughout the school year for each year group at Welholme Academy. Our curriculum maps have been designed to ensure that we are providing a broad and balanced program which meets the requirements of the National Curriculum for PE.
Click on the links below to view our curriculum maps.
PE Policy
PE Coverage Overview
PE Progression
For more information regarding our PE curriculum, please talk to your child's class teacher or Mrs. Walker.
Please click here to view the PE Twitter feed.
As part of our commitment to provide all children at Welholme Academy with a rich and varied learning curriculum, we ensure that every child has the opportunity to experience a wide range of PE opportunities. At our school, PE plays a vital role in developing the whole child.
Within PE, we aim to:
- Ensure that every child has the same opportunity to take part in a wide, varied and rich PE Curriculum.
- Provide every child with the opportuntiy to take part in PE opportunities to ensure that they are physically active.
- Ensure that all children develop their skills in all areas of the PE curriculum.
- Ensure that all children play competitive sport in a fair and positive way, understanding the importance of winning, and losing, well.
- Encourage all children to take part in extra-curricular clubs and the many opportunities that they are provided with to take part in competitive sport.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 |
Monday am, Thursday pm Tuesday am, Friday pm Wednesday am, Monday pm Tuesday pm, Friday am Wednesday pm, Friday am Monday - Thursday pm |
The national curriculum stipulates that all schools must provide swimming instruction as part of the curriculum in either KS1 or KS2. Here at Welholme we provide swimming lessons in Year 3 and additional top up lessons in Year 4.
All schools must provide swimming instruction either in key stage 1 or key stage 2. In particular, pupils should be taught to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
Click on the links below to view our swimming data.
Swimming Data
All children will regularly compete in an intra-school competition based on the sport covered in recent PE lessons. House points will be awarded to the winning teams. 1st place teams receive 50 points, 2nd place teams receive 30 points and 3rd place teams receive 15 points.
Our annual sports days will be held during the Summer term. Please check the website nearer to the time for more detailed information.
There will be opportunities for our children to compete in sporting events organised by the North East Lincolnshire School Sports Partnership throughout the year. The children chosen to represent our school will receive an invitation letter prior to the event being held. Please check our website and Twitter feeds for results.
The School Games is a platform which provides young people with the opportunity to take part in competitive school sport. It designed to build on the excitement of London 2012 to motivate and inspire young people to engage with as much sport as possible. There are 4 levels of competition (bronze, silver, gold and platinum) Welholme is currently a proud gold level holder.
Please see the documents below for the criteria.
School Games Mark Criteria
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