2 Year Old Provision
Miss C Hall
2 Year Old Key Worker
Miss E Douthwaite
Nursery Lead
Welcome to our 2 Year Old Provision
We are now offering provision for 2-year-olds in our Nursery. If you are interested in our 2-year-old provision please contact the school office on 01472 329944 or come into school to pick up an application form.
Welcome to Nursery Booklet and 2 Year Old Provision Long Term Plan
2 Year Old Provision Documents
If you would like to change any of your data or consents at any time, please contact the school office.
Whole School Letters
Nursery Progression
Miss E Douthwaite
Miss K Williams
Miss C Hall
Mrs I Bradley
Welcome to Nursery
Miss Douthwaite, Miss Williams, Miss Hall and Miss Brumby welcome you to the Nursery team. We hope that your child has a wonderful, happy and successful year with us. If you have any concerns or issues that you need to speak to us about, please do not hesitate to ask at drop off, or collection, or you can message us on Dojo. We post all of our activities on Dojo, please make sure you are connected so you can see everything we have been learning and ideas for activities you can do at home. We also share important dates so keep your eyes peeled.
Welcome to Nursery Booklet and Nursery Long Term Plan
Nursery Curriculum Documents
Nursery Information Pack
Data Collection & Consent Form
If you would like to change any of your data or consents at any time, please contact the school office.
Whole School Letters
Nursery Progression
Miss Z Miller
Mrs J Evans
Miss K Wilkinson
Mrs L Lehman
Welcome to Reception
Miss Wilkinson, Mrs Lehman, Miss Miller, Mrs Evans, Mrs Lilley, Mrs Stanhope and Mrs Scott welcome you to the Reception team. We hope that your child has a wonderful, happy and successful year with us. If you have any concerns or issues that you need to speak to us about, please do not hesitate to ask on Dojo or at the beginning and end of the school day. We post all of our activities on Dojo, please make sure you are connected so you can see everything we have been learning and ideas for activities you can do at home. We also share important dates so keep your eyes peeled.
Welcome to Reception Booklet and Reception Long Term Plan
Reception Readiness
To find out more information, please visit https://startingreception.co.uk/
Reception Curriculum Documents
Data Collection & Consent Form
If you would like to change any of your data or consents at any time, please contact the school office.
Whole School Letters